About TDK | Procurement

Green Procurement Activities

This site explains TDK’s purchasing activities and policies,and the procedures involved.

TDK is promoting procurement of products with reduced environmental impact (environmentally-friendly products) with the objective of supplying products with minimal environmental impact.

As awareness concerning environmental preservation rises, corporate and production activities that take the environment into consideration are becoming more important.

To ensure the proper promotion of such activities, TDK conducts surveys of supplier environmental and other activities, reviews information on substances of concern used in procured goods, and conducts surveys of green procurement through the latest TDK Green Purchasing Standards.

Green procurement is not possible without the cooperation of suppliers. Accordingly, we request your understanding of TDK's policies and your support and cooperation.

English Chinese Japanese
TDK Green Procurement Standard(Ver. 9.1) PDF:336KB PDF:508KB PDF:480KB
TDK Green Procurement Standard(ver. 9.1) Appendix 1 , 2, 3 ZIP:52KB ZIP:56KB ZIP:58KB
Form-1 Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) check sheet Excel:19KB Excel:19KB Excel:19KB
chemSHERPA-AI / chemSHERPA-CI data entry support tool https://chemsherpa.net/english/
chemSHERPA Learnig Video https://chemsherpa.net/english/aboutchemsherpa/description https://chemsherpa.net/english/aboutchemsherpa/description https://chemsherpa.net/aboutchemsherpa/description
chemSHERPA Simple manual Excel:7MB Excel:1MB Excel:3MB