Purchasing Policies
All applicable laws and regulations are followed in purchasing activities. Moreover, TDK strives not only to follow the letter of the law, but its spirit as well.
Respect for Human Dignity
TDK respects the human dignity of workers who are active in all stages of the supply chain.
The procurement divisions of the TDK Group implement CSR activities on a continuous basis, while performing evaluations of suppliers at regular intervals using the CSR Check Sheet, to promote understanding of our CSR concept and raise recognition of our initiatives. In addition, as part of the common understanding of social issues, we have established the TDK Group Business Partner Code of Conduct.
Green Procurement
As one aspect of its companywide environmental protection activities and in the pursuit of harmony with the global environment, TDK engages in green procurement, i.e., the purchase of environment-conscious products.
Fair and Open Business
TDK conducts fair business regardless of company size or nationality. TDK bases its purchasing decisions on comprehensive evaluations of quality, price, delivery time, ability to provide a stable supply, and other factors.
TDK does not accept
gifts of any kind from business partners.
As a general rule, TDK does not accept dining or other forms of entertainment from business partners.
TDK seeks to build mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers based on shared goals.
VA* Activities
TDK values suppliers that can lower costs and provide new materials and technologies through VA activities.
IT Utilization
Information exchanges with suppliers using IT and networks are essential for accelerating the pace of business and reinforcing ties.
Quality, Delivery Time and Stable Supply
TDK always considers quality, delivery time and stable supply by establishing solid partnerships with its suppliers.
- VA (Value Analysis) is a concept developed by the GE Company in 1947. VA provides a method to increase the value of a product or service, specifically by analyzing various factors associated with the value relative to the minimum resources necessary to produce said product or service (its cost). TDK uses the terms VE (Value Engineering) and VA synonymously.