Investor Relations | Corporate Governance

Basic Policy for Internal Control

Last-update:April 26, 2024

(1) Systems for ensuring the execution of duties by Directors of the Company complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation:

The Company was established in 1935 as an entrepreneurial venture to industrialize a magnetic material called ferrite invented at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since then, the Company has unremittingly pursued originality and increased corporate value through supplies of new value (products and services) created through the promotion of innovation, based on the founding spirit “Contribute to culture and industry through creativity” as its Corporate Motto. In addition, TDK strive to build satisfaction, trust, and support among all stakeholders including shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and communities, among others, continue to be helpful to the society by contributing to the resolution of social issues and contribute to the development of a more sustainable society. TDK clearly declares as “TDK Charter of Corporate Behavior” that TDK will continue to respect human rights; comply with relevant laws, regulations and international rules and the spirit thereof; and carry out its social responsibility with a strong sense of ethics, domestically and overseas. All Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Corporate Officers and employees constituting TDK seek to behave in strict compliance with the “Corporate Standards of Business Conduct” prescribed by the “TDK Code of Conduct”.
In addition, the Company aims to achieve its management targets and further improve corporate value through the creation of products by adhering to the Corporate Motto. At the same time, the Company strives to foster a sound corporate culture and sincerely conduct business activities, always aware of its place as a member of society. Moreover, the Company will be accountable to stakeholders through proactive, comprehensive, accurate, timely, impartial, and consistent disclosure of information.
Board members consisting of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the executive side such as Corporate Officers, based on their respective responsibilities, endeavor toward the common purpose of achieving sustainable corporate growth and increasing the medium- to long-term corporate value of the TDK Group. The philosophy and culture shared by the Board of Directors to achieve this purpose are as follows.

“TDK's Board Culture”

  1. ① Board members and the executive side build and maintain a relationship of deep mutual trust and a sound tension.
  2. ② Board members and the executive side achieve both the delegation of authority to encourage prompt and autonomous decision-making and the transparency in business execution (Empowerment & Transparency).
  3. ③ Based on the premise that discussions at the Board of Directors meetings should be essential discussions that contribute to corporate value, Board members actively and diversely make remarks and engage in discussions from each member’s standpoint and from a broad point of view, regardless of whether they are inside or outside members or whether they are Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
  4. ④ The executive side takes the opinions of the Board of Directors sincerely as an opportunity to improve management and implements necessary measures. Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members supervise and audit from an objective standpoint. Through these efforts, they aim to further improve the TDK Group’s corporate value.

As mentioned above, the Company sincerely and devotedly seeks to achieve its management philosophy and to establish the following effective and orderly corporate governance systems to continue to ensure soundness, compliance and transparency in its business operations.

  1. ① Adoption of the Audit & Supervisory Board Member System and Strengthening of the Supervisory Function:

    The Company has adopted the Audit & Supervisory Board Member System pursuant to the Companies Act of Japan and has appointed independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members who are disinterested in the Company to strengthen the supervision of the Company’s management.
  2. ② Strengthening the Supervisory Function of the Board of Directors:

    The Company has a small number of Directors to expedite the management decision-making process. At the same time, the Company appoints disinterested, independent Outside Directors in order to enhance the supervision of the Company’s management. In addition, the Company’s basic policy is to elect independent Outside Directors which account for half or more of the Directors and from the perspective of ensuring clear separation between management oversight and business execution, an independent Outside Director serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors in principle. Furthermore, the Directors’ terms of office are set at one (1) year to give shareholders an opportunity to cast votes of confidence regarding Directors’ performance every fiscal year.
  3. ③ Adoption of a Corporate Officer System for Expeditious Business Execution:

    The Company has adopted a Corporate Officer system that separates the management decision making and Director supervisory functions of the Board of Directors from the execution of business. This aims to accelerate decision-making by delegation of authority and to clarify the authority and responsibility of business execution. Corporate Officers are in charge of business execution and carrying out decisions made by the Board of Directors and thereby expeditiously execute business operations in accordance with management decisions.
  4. ④ Establishment of Advisory Bodies to the Board of Directors (Nomination Advisory Committee, Compensation Advisory Committee and Corporate Governance Committee):

    The Nomination Advisory Committee is chaired by an Outside Director of the Company and a majority of the members are Outside Directors. The said Committee reviews the conditions expected for the post of Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and Corporate Officer and makes nominations. In this way, the Nomination Advisory Committee ensures the appropriate election of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Corporate Officers and provides transparency in the decision-making process.

    The Compensation Advisory Committee is chaired by an Outside Director of the Company and a majority of the members are Outside Directors. The said Committee examines the remuneration system and the level of remuneration pertaining to Directors and Corporate Officers, as well as presidents and qualifying officers of the Company’s principal subsidiaries. It also reviews the transparency of the remuneration decision-making process and verifies whether such remuneration is reasonable in light of corporate business performance, individual performance and general industry standards.

    The Corporate Governance Committee conducts deliberations on the Company's medium- to long- term corporate governance way and system, policy for the Company's corporate governance and matters to be consulted by the Board of Directors, etc. and continuously strives to enhance corporate governance for the Company’s sustainable growth and increase of its corporate value over the mid- to long-term.

    Under the foregoing corporate systems, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members in charge of supervising management, ensure soundness, compliance and transparency in the Company’s business operations by executing their duties pursuant to the Regulations of the Audit & Supervisory Board, the Code of Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ Auditing Standards and Audit Practice Standards for Internal Control Systems and by auditing whether the Directors’ performance is appropriately and reasonably in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation.

    Similarly, Directors in charge of management decision-making and supervision of business execution ensure soundness, compliance and transparency in the Company’s business operations by executing their duties pursuant to the Regulations of the Directors’ Business and the Regulations of the Board of Directors established in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation. In addition, Corporate Officers in charge of business execution ensure soundness, compliance and transparency in the Company’s business operations by executing their duties pursuant to the Regulations of the Corporate Officers’ Business.

    The Company has established the Disclosure Committee as well as the following procedures and system to ensure compliance with all applicable securities and exchange laws and other similar laws and regulations of all relevant countries, as well as the rules and regulations of the stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are listed (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Securities Regulations”).

    1. (ⅰ) Internal control and other procedures to collect, record, analyze, process, summarize and report all information required to be disclosed under the Securities Regulations and warrant timely disclosures within the deadlines stipulated by the Securities Regulations.
    2. (ⅱ) System to ensure that the Company has procedures designed to obtain reasonable assurance that all the transactions that the Company conducts are properly authorized, that the Company’s assets are protected from unauthorized or improper use and that all trading activities are appropriately recorded and reported for the purpose of enabling the Company to prepare financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards applied by the Company.
    3. (ⅲ) System to ensure that the Company is in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Regulations with respect to corporate governance systems.

(2) System regarding preservation and control of information in relation to the execution of business by Directors of the Company:

The President, who is responsible for the business execution of the Company, has established the Document Control Regulations, which are applicable to TDK and provide basic rules for the preservation and control of information regarding the execution of business by Directors.

(3) Regulations and other systems for managing the risk of loss(es) of the Company and its subsidiaries:

To enhance the risk management system of TDK, the Company has established each of the following committees (which is chaired by a Corporate Officer) under the direct control of the Executive Committee.

  1. (ⅰ) ERM* Committee
    Through the ERM Committee, which has been established for the purpose of the company-wide measures against factors (risks) that obstruct the achievement of the business targets and business operations of the Company, the Company further strengthens enterprise risk management. The ERM Committee clarifies the roles of each organization in risk management activities, and promotes the PDCA cycle for a series of risk management activities (identification of risks ~ evaluation and consideration of countermeasures ~ implementation ~ monitoring and improvement).
    *ERM (Enterprise Risk Management)
  2. (ⅱ) Compliance Committee
    Through the Compliance Committee, which aims to supervise risk management and advance initiatives with respect to compliance, the Company promotes the strengthening of prevention of violations of laws and regulations, etc. and recurrence of such violations. The Compliance Committee approves company-wide compliance activity policies and plans, select risks that TDK will focus on with respect to compliance, assign individual risks to risk owner divisions, and provide instructions to and monitor risk owner divisions.
  3. (ⅲ) Crisis Management Committee
    The Crisis Management Committee has been established and operates with the aim of implementing advance measures for serious disasters, accidents and incidents (natural disasters, fire and other accidents, infectious diseases, etc.). that may impede the survival or development of the Company as well as reducing subsequent damage and preventing the expansion of damage. In the event of an emergency, the Company will quickly set up a company-wide Crisis Management Headquarters and, while giving first priority to ensuring the safety of its employees, it will resume business as soon as possible and fulfill its responsibility to supply its customers in accordance with the Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
  4. (ⅳ) Information Security Committee
    The Information Security Committee properly manages important information such as information provided by customers and personal information in compliance with laws and regulations, implements measures against cyber- attacks and information leakage from within TDK, and monitors the security status of TDK to prevent cyber-attacks. In addition, in the event of an attack, the said Committee will promptly assess the situation, recover, and take measures. Furthermore, the said Committee assist suppliers in strengthening information security.
  5. (ⅴ) Disclosure Committee
    The Disclosure Committee deliberates on and scrutinize the Company's important corporate information and disclosure documents that are relevant to the investment decisions of shareholders and investors in order to ensure that the Company makes appropriate disclosures in a proactive, comprehensive, accurate, timely, fair manner, and consistent in accordance with various laws and regulations concerning securities transactions and the rules of the stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are listed.

The Company has ensured that a structure for receiving advice in relation to enhancing the risk management system and increasing its effectiveness (including, but not limited to, identifying, evaluating and reviewing material management risks at TDK and establishing effective countermeasures) is in place through regular confirmation and audit by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the internal audit department of the management operations described above. In addition, the Company will seek advice from specialists, including outside legal counsel and other experts, as needed regarding risks surrounding TDK.

(4) System for ensuring Directors of the Company and Directors, etc. of the Company’s subsidiaries execute their duties efficiently and system for reporting matters concerning the execution of duties of Directors, etc. of the Company’s subsidiaries to the Company:

The Company has a small number of Directors and has adopted the Corporate Officer system to facilitate the Directors’ ability to make quick and efficient management decisions.

At the same time, policies and measures with respect to business execution, such as development, manufacturing, marketing and financing of TDK, are decided by the President upon being deliberated at the Executive Committee which consists of Corporate Officers and HQ General Managers designated by the President. All Corporate Officers perform their duties expeditiously pursuant to the decisions made by the Executive Committee. As to the status of the execution of their duties, the Company ensures efficient management via regular reports to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

With respect to the Company’s subsidiaries, the Company ensures efficient management execution by having them execute their business based on the responsibilities and authorities stipulated in the “Global Common Regulations” for the entire TDK. Also, the Company has established a system to ensure that appropriate reports are made by stipulating matters to be reported periodically or as necessary on the management situation of the subsidiaries and the status of the execution of duties by Directors, etc. of the subsidiaries in the “Global Common Regulations”, thereby ensuring management transparency.

(5) System for ensuring performance of duties by employees of the Company and Directors, etc. and employees of the Company’s subsidiaries are in compliance with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation:

The Company strives to ensure that all members of TDK are fully familiar with TDK’s management philosophy, “TDK Code of Conduct” and “TDK Charter of Corporate Behavior” in order to ensure improved soundness, compliance and transparency of management, as well as compliance with laws, regulations and the Articles of Incorporation throughout the performance of duties by all members of TDK.

In addition, the Company appoints a Global Chief Compliance Officer from among Corporate Officers upon resolution of the Board of Directors and operates the Compliance Committee. The Global Chief Compliance Officer serves as the Chair of the Compliance Committee and appoints Regional Chief Compliance Officers for each region. Through this system, the Company promotes activities to strengthen a compliance system of TDK and the Compliance Committee reports its activities to the President and the Board of Directors.

Furthermore, through the Business Ethics Subcommittee which is an internal organization of the Compliance Committee, the Company operates TDK's internal reporting system (including the Consultations and Help Lines) and the Business Ethics Subcommittee reports its activities to the Compliance Committee and the Board of Directors.

(6) System for ensuring proper business execution by the corporate group consisting of the Company and its subsidiaries:

Each Director, Corporate Officer and manager in charge of operations of TDK strives to achieve proper business operations by making decisions and executing business in compliance with the “TDK Code of Conduct” and the “Global Common Regulations”, which summarizes the responsibilities and authorities of each organization.

The Audit & Supervisory Board Members audit, on a regular basis, the condition of the business operations of each department of TDK by inspecting the departments, examining important documents, and attending important meetings. In addition, the internal audit department audits and supports each department of TDK in order to promote consistency in relation to business operations and management policies, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of reporting, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as the rules of TDK.

(7) Matters relating to employees who support the duties of Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company when Audit & Supervisory Board Members request such employees:

The Audit & Supervisory Board Members Office, consisting of designated full-time employees who do not perform any business execution duties, has been established and assists duties of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

(8) Matters regarding the independence of employees in the preceding item from Directors and the ensuring of the effectiveness of instructions of Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company to such employees:

The authority to instruct or order the employees who serve as members of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members Office belongs exclusively to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members. In addition, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members directly evaluate the performance of such employees and any transfer or discipline of these employees is determined pursuant to the operating rules of the Company subject to the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

(9) System for ensuring Directors and employees of the Company report to Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company, and system for ensuring Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and employees of the Company’s subsidiaries or persons who have received reports from these persons report to Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company:

All members of TDK provide an appropriate report immediately, if an Audit & Supervisory Board Member requests a report regarding the execution of business. Information regarding management policies of TDK and conditions of business execution by Corporate Officers is timely provided to Audit & Supervisory Board Members who attend important meetings such as Executive Committee meetings and business plan review meetings, and minutes of such meetings are also provided to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members immediately. Furthermore, Audit & Supervisory Board Members may receive explanations directly from Corporate Officers and other personnel as necessary. Audit & Supervisory Board Members may review reports prepared by each department of the Company or company of TDK, and thereby confirm the conditions of the business operations of TDK.

In addition, all members of TDK may report any fact which may cause significant damage to TDK, such as violation of law or regulation, to the Business Ethics Subcommittee through the Consultations and Help Lines established by the said Subcommittee and covering the whole of TDK. In cases where the Business Ethics Subcommittee finds any fact which may cause significant damage to TDK, such as violation of law or regulation, it will immediately report such fact to Audit & Supervisory Board Members or the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Furthermore, information regarding the activities of the ERM Committee and other committees is provided to Audit & Supervisory Board Members from time to time, enabling the Audit & Supervisory Board Members to confirm the overall status of corporate activities.

(10) System for ensuring persons who have reported as provided in the preceding item will not be treated unfavorably on grounds of such reporting

The Company prohibits any member of TDK who has reported acts in violation of laws and regulations, etc. or the “TDK Code of Conduct” from being treated unfavorably on the grounds of such reporting, and stipulates to that effect in the “TDK Code of Conduct” and clearly informs all members of TDK of that fact.

(11) Matters concerning policies for disposal of expenses and obligations associated with the execution of duties by Audit & Supervisory Board Members

When Audit & Supervisory Board Members demand payment of expenses or obligations associated with execution of their duties from the Company pursuant to Article 388 of the Companies Act of Japan, the Company shall pay such expenses or obligations immediately after deliberation at the department in charge unless the expenses or obligations concerning such demand are proven to be unnecessary for the execution of such duties of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

(12) Other systems for ensuring Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company conduct audits effectively:

The Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Audit & Supervisory Board meet with the President on a regular basis to confirm management policies and exchange opinions on pressing issues and risks affecting TDK and other important matters from the perspective of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ audits. These meetings also strengthen the mutual understanding between the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the President.

The Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Audit & Supervisory Board ensure that the audits of Audit & Supervisory Board Members are conducted effectively by meeting regularly with the internal audit department, receiving, together with the internal audit department, regular audit reports from the Accounting Auditor, and sharing information regarding initial audit plans and results. Furthermore, the Audit & Supervisory Board has entered into an advisory contract with an attorney who is independent from the business execution department and has established a system to ensure that it receives advice with respect to matters which need to be reviewed or confirmed from the perspective of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members or the Audit & Supervisory Board.