Investor Relations

What's TDK?

A global electronics technology company and a world leader in electronic solutions for the smart society

TDK in Numbers

  • Year of Establishment


    With the objective of commercializing the world’s first ferrite core, Kenzo Saito, TDK’s first president, established Tokyo Denki Kagaku Kogyo(TDK).

  • Overseas sales ratio


    TDK conducts business activities globally. Indeed, approximately 90% of consolidated net sales are accounted for by overseas sales.

  • Overseas employees ratio


    The overseas employees ratio is approximately 90% of our nearly 100,000 employees through M&A.

  • Net sales (Results for FY March 2024)

    2,103,9billion yen

    Results for FY March 2023: 2,180.8 billion yen

  • Operating profit (Results for FY March 2024)

    172.9billion yen

    (operating profit margin: 8.2%)

    Results for FY March 2023: 168.8 billion yen
    (operating profit margin: 7.7%)

  • Main high market share products

TDK in video

  • TDK Venture Spirit

    The stories of the products that made TDK, which is an university-derived venture company, grow into a global innovation company.

  • TDK Company Introduction Video

    TDK's Vision for a Sustainable Future: Pioneering Green Technology

Four Great World-Class Innovations by TDK

  • Ferrite

  • Music cassette tapes

  • Fine multilayering technology

  • Thin-film head technology

Financial Information

Change in Business Results

Through proactive transformation of our main business portfolio, TDK has made efforts to expand new technologies for nearly 90 years. These developements have been the driving force to grow. TDK will continue to supply valuable products and grow in changing markets.

FY March 2024

Net sales

0 , 0 0 0 . 0
billion yen

Operating profit

0 0 0 . 0 billion yen

FY3/25 Forecast FY3/24 Actual YoY
Net sales 2,120.0 billion yen 2,103.9 billion yen 100.8%
Operating profit 220.0 billion yen 172.9 billion yen 127.2%
  • Change in Net sales and Operating profit

  • Net sales
  • Operating profit

※TDK has adopted the IFRS in place of the US-GAAP from the FY March 2022. The figures for the FY March 2021 are also presented in accordance with IFRS.

(Please check Chart Generator for details)

Financial Summary (by Segment)

(Please check Chart Generator for details)

Shareholder return

Strengthen shareholder returns still more

  • Strengthening shareholder returns by raising dividend payout ratio from 30% to 35% during the new Medium-term Plan(FY3/25 - FY3/27)
  • Considering further return measures such as the share buybacks while taking the stock market situation and other factors into consideration.

Annual dividends per common share

2025/3 Forecast


2024/3 Result


  • Interim dividends
  • Year-end dividends

※TDK split one share of its common stock into five shares with the effective date of October 1, 2024. Dividends per share are calculated assuming that the share split was implemented at the beginning of the FY March 2016
※TDK has adopted the IFRS in place of the US-GAAP from the FY March 2022. The figures for the FY March 2021 are also presented in accordance with IFRS.

Four Advantages

(TDK’s core competencies)

TDK has been realizing its sustainable growth by refining four core competencies.

From its founding to the present day, the source of TDK’s growth has been “new designs from material science” and “manufacturing capabilities that will continue to evolve.” In addition, we can cite “sales and marketing to strike at the center of the world,” proposing original products derived from the fusion of the above two factors to the market. And then, supporting these activities from the roots, there is our “unique employee culture for value creation.” By continuing to polish these four core competencies, we will realize sustained growth going forward.

  • 1New designs
    from material science

  • 2Manufacturing capabilities
    that will continue to evolve

  • 3 Sales and marketing to strike
    at the center of the world

4Unique employee culture
value creation

Empowerment & Transparency

Pre-financial Capital that backs TDK’s Value Creation

TDK considers the following as capital capable of generating future cash flows and refers to them as “pre-financial capital” rather than “non-financial capital”.

Long-term Vision

KPIs in the new Medium-term Plan(FY3/27)

  • ROIC

    or more

  • ROE

    or more

  • Operating profit margin(OPM)

    or more