Sustainability | SocietyDiversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our Approach

The TDK Group comprises numerous Group companies operating globally. While TDK has traditionally promoted Diversity & Inclusion, we have added the concept of Equity, which is essential to the success of our diverse team members. Equity is not only treating all team members fairly; it is recognizing and addressing that there are groups of people (including women, people with disabilities, etc.) who have historically faced challenges that have prevented their full participation in society and the workplace. We can continue generating innovative creativity and enhance our competitiveness by establishing an environment in which Team Members with diverse backgrounds can display their skills.

In addition, a key component of TDK's mid- to long-term human resources strategy is inclusive leadership practices. Inclusive leadership practices include competencies and behaviors that create an environment where all team members feel accepted, supported, a sense of Belonging. Having a sense of Belonging enables team members to maximize their potential and create a positive impact on our business and the world. Our leaders lead by example and actively demonstrate inclusive practices, drive transformation, and promote engagement through clear goals and open feedback.

Our approach to DE&I is based on increasing:

  • Awareness, Understanding, and Appreciation of:
    ◦The importance and meaning of DE&I at TDK
    ◦Team Members’ roles in DE&I
  • Action that leads to:
    ◦Inclusive leadership
    ◦Integration of DE&I into everything we do
    ◦Increased engagement and belonging
  • Accountability for:
    ◦Creating an inclusive culture
    ◦DEI Metrics, including Team Member Engagement participation

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2020: The Diversity Promotion Department was created within the Domestic Human Resource Development Division of the HR Headquarters to focus on raising awareness of DE&I among Japanese employees, promoting women's activities, and preventing harassment.
A Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department was established effective April 1, 2023. This team consists of HR leaders from Asia, Europe, and North America. The Global DE&I team’s focus is partnering with Global / Local HR and business leaders to increase awareness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, inspire inclusive ACTION, and create personal and organizational ACCOUNTABILITY for DE&I across the global organization.


Global DE&I will support TDK’s overall People Strategy through the following strategic actions:

  • Embedding DEI strategic focus in Global / Local HR activities.
  • Increasing sense of Belonging amongst all team members as measured in TDK’s Team Member Engagement survey.
  • Identifying and making targeted development investments to create a strong, diverse talent pipeline.

Risk Management

TDK will monitor progress towards DE&I goals and make necessary adjustments to address shortfalls. Key metrics to be monitored include:

  • % of females in Top, Middle, and Junior management
  • % of females in STEM positions
  • % of females in revenue generating positions
  • % of female external and internal hires
  • % of females participating in TDK’s Global Management Development programs
  • % of females participating in expat assignments
  • Team Member sense of Belonging as measured by TDK’s Team Member Engagement survey

Metrics and Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets

We continue to promote the enhancement of women in Japan and will expand these efforts globally in FY 2025. We will draw out the abilities, values, and potential that women possess. As stated by our CEO, Noburu Saito, “The development and advancement of female team members are essential for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to come into practice. The positive impact brought by the demonstration of women’s inherent power is evident in the success of TDK's female team members. I believe that we can do more to bring out this power further and to create greater value not only for TDK but also for society.”

As a medium- to long-term goal, we have set the following targets for the ratio of females in management positions in Japan, which we aim to achieve by 2035, the 100th anniversary of TDK's founding, and have decided to implement the activities outlined below.

Goal by 2035

As a milestone, we have decided to carry out activities by setting the percentage of female in managerial roles by 2035, which is the 100th anniversary of our founding.

Trends in ratio of female in managerial roles
Trends in ratio of female in managerial roles

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Goals and Achievements in Fiscal 2024

Fiscal 2024 Targets Achievements
Continue holding workshops for managers hired new or mid-career to boost awareness Participation rate: 89%
Dispatch female section chiefs to external training organizations, conduct mentoring program, and hold career development seminars; also hold career development seminars for female employees Number of participants dispatched to external training institutions: 4
Participants in mentoring program: 9
Participants in career development seminars: 78
Deployment of vocational life consultants for persons with disabilities at our business sites throughout Japan for the retention of employees with disabilities Placement completed at all TDK Corporation sites in Japan.

Evaluations and Future Activities

Fiscal 2025 Goals
Production of a handbook for understanding the LGBTQ community.(activities of TDK Corporation)


Support for Women Employees in Japan

TDK Corporation is developing various initiatives with the goal of increasing the percentage of women in management positions in Japan to 15% by 2035, the 100th anniversary of the company's founding. The purpose of all activities is to expand the horizons of female employees. Here we introduce a career development seminar attended by about 80 people each year in Japan.

A two-day program of career development seminars is held twice a year for women in pre-managerial assistant managerial positions. The main features of this seminar are as follows

・Networking among female employees from all over Japan.
Many group discussions are prepared in this seminar. Discussions will be held many times with participants who meet for the first time from all over Japan to encourage networking by participants.

・Confirmation of behavioral characteristics through EQ assessment
The program includes the “EQ Assessment” and incorporates a diagnosis of participants’ behavioral traits. Participants will gain a deeper insight into themselves, their interest in others, and their communication techniques through this assessment, and will receive hints for their future activities.

Career development interview with supervisor.
Time is set aside in the training program for career interviews with direct supervisors. They discuss in detail their future goals, what their supervisor expects them to do, and their career development timeline to materialize their future career plans.

Since the seminar began, several participants have been promoted to management positions. Recently, the seminar has been combined with plant tours to increase participation in the seminar.

The Active Participation of Employees with Disabilities

TDK has been actively employing people with disabilities for many years.
However, due to Japan's falling birthrate, aging population, and population outflow from rural to urban areas, there has been a decline in the labor force in rural areas. A problem we are currently facing is a decline in job applicants in the Akita area, our major business location, and other business sites outside the Kanto area. To address this issue, TDK introduced a work-at-home hiring program that utilizes the company’s experience with its own telecommuting system.

We also implement measures to retain employees with disabilities in the workplace.

Working Passport System

This is a system whereby a " Working Passport" is prepared for each employee with disabilities and shared by the employee, supervisor, and human resources staff after interviews with the employee, supervisor, and human resources staff regarding the nature of the employee's disability, reasonable considerations required, and work in which the employee excels, etc. When an employee is transferred or his/her supervisor is transferred, everyone can learn more about the employee from the Working Passport and confirm the necessary considerations. Employees with disabilities have commented that the system has had a positive impact on the retention of employees with disabilities, saying, "I can work with peace of mind knowing that I am given very detailed explanations of my duties and that my work style is listened to carefully.”

Deployment of Vocational Life Consultants for Persons with Disabilities

TDK Corporation has completed the placement of Vocational Life Consultants for Persons with Disabilities in all regions of Japan.

Respect for People

To help TDK better understand the challenges faced by LGBTQ community, we hosted a two-hour LGBTQ seminar in November 2023 and more than 90 team members attended, including CEO Saito and Chairman of the Board Ishiguro. The seminar included a lecture on the environment surrounding the LGBTQ+ community and misconceptions due to lack of understanding, as well as a panel discussion between gay and transgender individuals, which led to a lively debate. This seminar was the catalyst for the establishment of a consultation service for LGBTQ employees so that LGBTQ employees can work with confidence.

The entire global organization also celebrated International Women's Day in March. There were a number of activities, including:

  • A message from CEO Saito stating TDK's commitment to its female members.
  • The decoration of the entrances of all Japanese locations with mimosa flowers, a symbol of International Women's Day.

Cooperation with local governments to offer free vaccinations against HPV to prevent cervical cancer, a serious health issue for women in the Philippines (TDK Philippines).

Diverse Work Styles and Work-Life Balance