Sustainability | Sustainability Management | TDK Group's MaterialityNew Materiality and Promotional Setup

Key Issues (Materiality) of TDK

From the perspective of achieving our long-term vision based on our Corporate Motto and Corporate Principles, we took into consideration our long-term strategies as well as risks and opportunities and reviewed the key issues (materiality) that have a real impact on the value creation capability of the TDK Group.

In the past, materiality was positioned and selected as CSR key issues, but the new materiality was extracted from our long-term strategy for improving corporate value, and the action strategy is reflected in our new medium-term plan, which started in fiscal 2025.

The materiality of the TDK Group is premised on the long-term creation of value for not only investors, but all stakeholders including customers, suppliers, and employees and focuses on issues that help maximize TDK’s corporate value.

Basic policy of key issues (Materiality)

List of KPIs

The following have been set as KPIs for materiality.

Relationship between Materiality and Corporate Value

In endeavoring to maximize long-term corporate value, TDK emphasizes PBR as an indicator of corporate value. Following this approach, we studied and formulated a tree showing how activities linked to each materiality theme impact corporate value. The tree also indicates which of the six capitals defined by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) corporate activities linked to each theme contribute to. (These six types of capital are financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural.) In addition, we monitor the degree of achievement of KPIs set for each materiality theme by contrasting planned figures and achieved figures with a tool called a management dashboard that analyzes and visualizes data.