Sustainability | SocietySocial Contribution Activities

Our Approach

As a corporate citizen, TDK recognizes the importance of coexisting with the community and, thinking about what we can do for society as a company, promotes various original social contribution activities.


Based on TDK's corporate motto of "Contribute to culture and industry through creativity," the TDK Group aspires to foster the development of a healthy and prosperous society by implementing various activities in which all TDK employees can feel committed and connected to the community.


The TDK Group will utilize its various resources (employees, products, capital, information, etc.) to globally implement proactive community activities - both alone and working alongside NPOs and NGOs - that contribute to the betterment of society in the areas of (1) academic, research, and education, (2) sports, art, and culture, (3) environmental conservation, and (4) social welfare and local community service activities.

Academic, Research and Education Activities

TDK is willing to return the profits of its activities to local communities by utilizing our accumulated product technologies and human resources. Specifically, TDK wishes to offer opportunities for young people who will lead the next generation to acquire a wide range of knowledge, experiences, and skills.
One specific example is the TDK Museum, which reopened in October 2016. The museum introduces the history of TDK’s products utilizing magnetic technology and its technologies and also, as a new aspect, its efforts toward the future, the aim being to support the science and technology studies of the young people who will be the leaders of society in the next generation. The museum also continuously conducts electronics workshops and science on-site lessons in junior high schools and conducts programs that support joint education on- and off-site.

Sports, Art and Culture Activities

TDK strives to be a company capable of bringing delight and excitement to stakeholders. TDK provides support for inspirational sports and art activities that uplift people's hearts.
Some specific examples are sponsorship since 2001 of performances in Japan of world-renowned orchestras from around the world as well as Outreach Mini-Concerts and invitations to open rehearsals and main performances for the musical education and development of elementary and junior high school students and students of music under the heading of the “TDK Rising Stars.”
In fiscal 2024, 230 students studying music were invited to the Berliner Philharmoniker Special Session, a special educational program that included a dialogue with the Berliner Philharmoniker (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra). Following a pre-lecture by composer Akira Senju about the Berliner Philharmoniker, members of the orchestra gave a performance and held a talk session. Thirty students from among the applicants were selected by drawing to attend the main performance on the same day.


Environmental Conservation Activities

TDK is engaged in R&D activities to provide products that make people's lives more convenient. But we also work earnestly on various environmental conservation activities to contribute to a symbiosis with the global environment.
One example is the TDK Beech Forest tree-planting event, as well as fertilization activities, that have been held every year since 2004 at factories in Akita Prefecture. To date, we have planted approximately 10,200 trees. In fiscal 2024, restrictions imposed under the Infectious Diseases Act to address the COVID-19 pandemic were relaxed, and the event was held without restriction for the first time in three years, with a total of 203 people participating in tree planting and fertilizing activities.

Social Welfare and Local Community Service Activities

TDK conducts its business activities on a global basis. We endeavor to apply our resources in beneficial ways and provide help to local communities to solve issues and bring about a better society.
Going forward, we will conduct activities according to the needs of people in individual locales.

Disaster Area Assistance

In fiscal 2024, restrictions to control COVID-19 were relaxed, and 73 people including 67 new employees participated in volunteer activities to support reconstruction in Kamaishi City, the first time in three years that employees have been able to participate. The volunteers weeded extensive rapeseed fields and observed and were briefed on biodiesel fuel and photovoltaic systems , deepening their interest in environmental activities. TDK plans to continue these activities in the future.