Sustainability | EnvironmentResponsible Management of Chemical Substances

Our Approach

Management of Chemical Substances in Products

In 2004, TDK introduced the "Environmental Product Quality Management System" (EPQMS) as a system to prevent and control exposure to hazardous substances in products that threaten human health and the environment, and we operate it within our Quality Management System (QMS).

Management of Chemical Substances in Manufacturing Processes

We are promoting management of chemical substances globally by means of common guidelines with the goals of understanding the hazardousness and danger of chemical substances, and improving safety in their handling in compliance with each nation's laws and the like.
In addition, we are moving forward on reducing the use and emissions of hazardous or dangerous chemical substances in order to reduce their impact on the environment as well as to mitigate the health risks to employees and risks of fires or explosions.


Management of Chemical Substances in Products

The Quality Assurance HQ manages risks and opportunities relating to the management of chemical substances in products under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The management of chemical substances in products is conducted in accordance with policies formulated by the Quality Assurance HQ. The Quality Assurance HQ undertakes activities in cooperation with related divisions, and proposed measures are reflected in the day-to-day operations of each division. Resolution matters are reported to and deliberated by the Executive Committee, maintaining a reliable decision-making process.

Management of Chemical Substances in Manufacturing Processes

The Safety, Environment, and Social Group of the Sustainability Promotion HQ performs management of risks and opportunities relating to chemical substance management in manufacturing processes under the supervision of the Board of Directors. We promote those initiatives through a framework that integrates corporate management and environmental management under an Environmental Management System (EMS) with the President and CEO at the highest level of responsibility. Environmental activities including plans, progress, and risks are also reported to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis, and are deliberated when necessary.

Education and awareness raising

To raise awareness of responsible chemical substance management and deepen the correct understanding, we continuously provide employees with education on the "Environmental Product Quality Management System" (EPQMS) and e-learning training on chemical substance management in manufacturing processes.


By understanding the essence and values of international rules, national and regional laws and regulations, and industry association standards related to chemical substance management, we proactively and strategically engage in the following three activities to enhance corporate value.

  1. (1) Development of products and processes that reduce environmental impact
  2. (2) Optimization of risk assessment methods and reinforcement of risk assessment and management
  3. (3) Information disclosure and continuous dialogue

Responsible Departments

Product Chemical Substance Management: Quality Assurance Department
Chemical Substance Management in Manufacturing Processes: Sustainability Promotion Department, Safety, Environment, and Social Group

Risks and opportunities

Regular risk assessments are conducted by the responsible departments, identifying risks within the TDK Group. If not properly managed, these risks can cause problems for the planet and society, making it difficult to continue business operations. By promoting "responsible chemical substance management," we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, including measures against climate change and biodiversity loss. This not only gains social trust but also promotes business growth.

Business impacts

Continuing to introduce products with minimized environmental impact from raw material procurement to disposal and recycling leads to sustainable business growth. By disclosing information about "responsible chemical substance management" to a wide range of stakeholders, including consumers, customers, employees, distributors, industry associations, and governments, and enhancing communication using this information, the understanding of products and the dissemination of proper handling methods improve. As a result, this ensures social safety and trust, leading to business growth.

Social impacts

The responsible management of chemical substances is deeply related to a variety of social and environmental issues including resource depletion, climate change, biodiversity loss, water shortages, air and water pollution, plastic-related problems, waste-related problems, and the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation. In accordance with our policies and strategies, we are deepening collaboration among industry, government, and academia and sharing information and collaborating with society concerning responsible chemical substance management initiatives including risk assessment, thereby ensuring the safety and security of people and contributing to solutions to various social issues including environmental issues.

Risk Management

Product Chemical Substance Management / Chemical Substance Management in Manufacturing Processes

We identify and understand the current and potential issues in the fields of science, regulations, and society surrounding chemical substance management, and organize the risks and opportunities. By prioritizing important matters and continuously implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, we aim for continuous improvement.
The Quality Assurance Department is primarily responsible for "Product Chemical Substance Management," while the Safety, Environment, and Social Group of the Sustainability Promotion Department takes the lead on "Chemical Substance Management in Manufacturing Processes." These activities are managed within the overall company risk framework.
Additionally, these activities are regularly reported to the management meetings and the Board of Directors.

Metrics and Targets

Management of Chemical Substances in Manufacturing Processes

Goals and Achievements in Fiscal 2024

Fiscal 2024 Goal Achievements
Mitigation of impacts on people and the environment from chemical substances Proactive substitution and response to customer requirements for reducing hazardous waste through improved resource efficiency

Evaluations and Future Activities

Fiscal 2025 Goal
Mitigation of impacts on people and the environment from chemical substances


Management of Chemical Substances in Products

In the context of the increased stringency of laws and regulations and international conventions relating to the management of chemical substances in products, including the EU’s RoHS Directive and REACH Regulation, China’s RoHS management regulations, the United States’ TSCA regulations and the UN’s POPs Convention, the TDK Group complies with domestic and international laws and regulations as well as customer requirements, implementing initiatives aimed at “delivering products with low environmental load.”

TDK complies with the RoHS Directive for all its products1 and, as an early response measure, instituted a prohibition on the use in its products of the four phthalate esters2 banned under the directive on July 22, 2018, a year in advance of the directive becoming legally effective.

1. Excluding some products based on customer specifications

We introduced the Environmental Product Quality Management System (EPQMS) in 2004, as a mechanism to further maintain and guarantee these initiatives, and it is currently in operation as part of the Quality Management System (QMS). As a component manufacturer positioned in the midstream of the supply chain, this system ensures thorough prevention and control at each of the stages of “buying”, “creating, making” and “selling.”

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